a priest's musings on the journey

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Cross of Life

Luiz' final piece on his Lambeth Devotional art blog has to be my favorite, because it was a "collaborative" effort between Luiz and Zac. Zac sketched a cross on a canvas in June for a painting he intended to create for my mother, but being the perfectionist that he is, decided it was the wrong cross and left the canvas to create a new one for her (the one he gave her is a flowering cross set against a hill over which the sun is rising... alas I do not have a picture). Luiz took the used canvas and said he could use it somehow. The Cross of Life is the result of Luiz' additions to Zacs original sketch. Zac was elated to see it on Luiz' website, and to know that it had stood in a place of prayer at the Lambeth Conference. I think this will encourage him to continue with his own artwork.
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 8:49 PM


Well done Zac!
Blogger John the organist, at 9:28 AM  

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