a priest's musings on the journey

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sunday July 27 Lambeth Eucharist:

Tune in to BBC RADIO 4 tommorrow- or later in the archives to hear the Sunday Lambeth Eucharist. Of course the ABC is preaching, but more importantly, Luiz is leading the Intercessions. :)
(He looks like the perfect Southern getleman with that bowtie)
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 6:38 AM


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Blogger David G., at 3:17 AM  
infatuation? lol ummmm no

you really dont have a clue do you
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 3:27 AM  
I heard Rowan but missed Luiz I think!
Blogger John the organist, at 3:15 PM  
He was in the broadcast- spoke in English- the broadcaster introduced him as Louie not Luiz LOL...

Sorry he didn't get to meet you in London. They have him working day and night.
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 6:16 PM  

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