a priest's musings on the journey
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Day 1 Pilgrimage to Glasgow-Iona-Lindisfarne
On Sunday the 3rd of March, some of the students in the UMW Canterbury Club began our pilgrimage by attending the Choral EvenSong at St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow. It was an especially glorious evening because it was Mothering Sunday and also a Diocesan EvenSong in which many choirs from the diocese had gathered to join in praise. They were truly magnificent- and most impressive to me was the inclusion of the newly formed children's choir at the cathedral- a children's choir that sings classical Anglican music, not that happy-clappy dumbed down liturgy crap... It was such a delight to see them standing with the adults and singing (from their hearts mind you) the canticles and anthems.
It was an equal treat to hear Bishop Idris preach on the mothering nature of God and
our call to be like God as mothering nurturers of the creation. Both the Canterbury students and I were impressed and encouraged by his prophetic words to care for our world. However, as good as his words were, I was hoping to hear the Provost- Kelvin- whom I have enjoyed corresponding with on the blogisphere- preach. I will have to save that treat for another visit. For now, I offer my thanks to Kelvin for his hospitality and graciousness. If you are ever in Galsgow, please drop by St. Mary's for a visit.
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 11:11 AM
Greetings Rob and fellow pilgrims -So glad that Evensong added something positive for your pilgrimage - in my experience, forward movement benefits from all the more momentum one can find .... sorry I didn't get to meet you guys after the service, but great we were able to share the moment. All very best wishes. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the views. Even hope you can enjoy the , er, 'soft refreshing rain'...
, at
Great to hear about the young choir!
not that happy-clappy dumbed down liturgy crap...