a priest's musings on the journey

Thursday, August 30, 2007

retiring blog

for now...

It'll still be here because there are some links to some really good bloggers who are making a postive difference in the world with their words of healing and justice. I wish all Christian bloggers could follow their examples.
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 10:31 PM


Sorry to see you "leave" us. God's blessings on you and everyone you touch. Hope you keep us posted!
Blogger toujoursdan, at 5:30 AM  
Padre Rob,
Blessings on your busy life. Your postings will be (and have, of late) been missed. May grace, peace, and joy surround and uphold you. Thanks for creating this blog.
Blogger Paul, at 7:43 AM  
Blessings and good luck with your new busy ministry, Padre Rob! I'll miss the sermons and icons. We will all miss you. But our friendships endure. Good for you for taking the space and time you need.

I'm continuing to ask the Theotokos to be with you. :-)
Blogger Jane R, at 8:55 PM  
That's too bad! I'll be sad to see you go, since I always looked forward to your insightful and inspiring posts. But do what you have to do, and I wish you all the best!
Blogger Ash, at 12:49 PM  
O no! Please keep in touch.
Blogger John the organist, at 9:31 AM  
thanks y'all!

I might try to blog again when things settle down- and I'll post sermons occassionally.

Peace to you
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 8:14 PM  
Your presence here will be missed but your presence in the world will always be known. Your new calling will fill you with great blessings. We are grateful to have met you and hope we may stay in contact over time. Please send us your email address so we can further explain iconopeia (the art of image-making). For your friendship, prayers, trust and respect, we thank you. May God continue to bless you and Zac. +++
Blogger +JN1034, at 9:07 PM  
BTW, my vacation went well! Thanks for asking. Sorry I had to put this in comment form, but I didn't know how else to respond.

Blogger Ash, at 8:11 PM  
I saw you at Padre Mickey's, ha ha ha! (Happy slightly late Birth of the Theotokos to yooooooooo.)
Blogger Jane R, at 4:49 PM  

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