a priest's musings on the journey

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wait Father!

What a Day! I supplied at a parish this morning where the organist was on vacation, and a Batpist supply organist had been hired for the day. Bless her heart, she was just lost from the beginning. I helped when I could and announced hymn numbers to cue her to play, but I just couldn't do that for all hymns and service music. So, I ended up just saying some of the parts that we'd normally sing. Well that was fine until we got to the offertory. She didn't play the Doxology (which doesn't belong there anyways) so I just started the Sursum Corda. I jad just said "The Lord be with you", when and old man yelled out, Wait Father, you forgot something... what about... and he began to belt out "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" followed by "My Country Tis of Thee". I was speechless. I mean, I was in the Episcopal Church right? I thought I had timewarped to a Pentecostal Church for a moment. But, I let him sing his song, and reassured all of the blue haired ladies that I wasn't offended that he had disrupted the liturgy.

Lord, I hope none of then are reading this.... but one has to laugh.
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 6:59 PM


These things happen!
Blogger John the organist, at 2:44 PM  
well, I've heard urban legends of such LOL... I just never expected it to happen to me, the anal anglocatholic hahaha
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 5:47 PM  
That's exactly why it happened to you -- Godde has a sense of humor and sends us these pastoral situations to keep us on our toes! Or to keep us laughing.
Blogger Jane R, at 7:37 PM  

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