a priest's musings on the journey
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Mary and Martha
"Martha is necessary to Mary, for it was because Martha worked that Mary was able to be praised." Abba Silvanus 4th century desert monastic
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 1:45 PM
Hmmm, that fits somewhat with my sermon for tomorrow... Or my sermon fits with that. Or maybe not; you'll have to judge. I'll post it after I preach it.
Thanks for that quote! Love those Abbas and Ammas of the desert.
Thanks for that quote! Love those Abbas and Ammas of the desert.
Well, I would have loved to have heard you preach it, jane, if I weren't celebrating Mass tommorrow.
Thank you! And blessings to you. (And to the wonderful Zac.)
I preached on that today. Meister Eckhart said that Martha knew Mary better than Mary knew Martha.h
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I like M. Eckhart's sermons on Mary/martha as well. However, I think Mary started to learn a bit from her sister by the time Lazarus died. Mary has learned to speak her mind to Jesus as her sister was quick to do when she also scolds Jesus for not coming to heal her brother.
Hopefully you'll post your sermon on your blog. I'd love to read it.
I like M. Eckhart's sermons on Mary/martha as well. However, I think Mary started to learn a bit from her sister by the time Lazarus died. Mary has learned to speak her mind to Jesus as her sister was quick to do when she also scolds Jesus for not coming to heal her brother.
Hopefully you'll post your sermon on your blog. I'd love to read it.