a priest's musings on the journey

Friday, July 20, 2007

Is it a choice to be gay?

An ex-gay wacko (oops, Jesus asked me not to judge... mea culpa) and an openly gay Christian (Evangelical I believe !!!) debate the question here
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 9:00 AM



So how's the US doing, Pops?
Blogger Joshua Migallos Ligan, at 11:14 PM  
Thanks for the link. The second article (by the vegan Quaker) was fabulous.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:41 AM  
I am rolling in laughter! Love your blog and post. Former Minister of Music at Metropolitan Community Church in Charlotte here. Just have greatly enjoyed reading your blogs!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:54 AM  
hey thanks kev

MCC in charlotte? hmmm i bet we have some mutual friends then. Know anybody who went to east coast bible college on wilkinson blve (well it used to be there; now its Lee Univeristy and on Little Rock)
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 8:28 PM  

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