a priest's musings on the journey

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Moral Loneliness

Each of us, beyond what we can name, has a dark memory of once having been touched and caressed by hands far gentler than our own. That caress has left a permanent mark, an imprint of a love so tender, good, and pure that its memory is a prism through which we see everything else.
The old myths express it best when they tell that, before we were born, God kissed our souls and we go through life always remembering, in some dark way, that kiss and measuring everything else in relation to it and its original purity, tenderness, and sweetness.

for the rest, check out quaeritedominum

Props Joshie
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 10:18 PM


This is excellent. It's worth going back to its original and adding Fr Ron as a favourite!
Blogger John the organist, at 12:18 AM  

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