a priest's musings on the journey

Monday, April 16, 2007

Prayers for Virginia Tech

When in the hour of utmost need
We know not where to look for aid,
When days and nights of anxious thought
Nor help nor counsel yet have brought.

Then this our comfort is alone,
That we may meet before Thy throne,
And cry, O faithful God, to Thee
For rescue from our misery.

That so with all our hearts we may
Once more our glad thanksgivings pay,
And walk obedient to Thy Word,
And now and ever praise the Lord.

Paul Eber- 1566

Compassionate God, you weep with us in our sorrow and despair. You mourn with mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, lovers and friends who do not even know where help may be found for their grieving hearts. Comfort us in our anguish, and lead us again to resurrection.

Kyrie Eleison. Christe Eleison. Kyrie Eleison.

May the souls of the Departed through the mercies of God rest in peace + and rise in glory.
:: posted by Padre Rob+, 9:01 PM


In some ways this reminds us of 9/11 again.

"Prayer for Virginia Tech":

Mercy of God deliver us.
Love of Christ heal us.
Spirit of God strengthen us.

Lord, have mercy on all those hurt by the horrific massacre in Virginia -- the victims, the injured, the traumatized, the grieving, the rescuers, and the healers.

Prince of Peace, grant that through your holy Cross where you suffer with all humanity, we may rise up to new life with you, to be instruments of your Peace.

Through Christ our Lord, and the intercession of Fr. Mychal Judge, "the Saint of 9/11". Amen.

(from www.SaintMychalJudge.blogspot.com )
Blogger redtown, at 12:13 PM  
Yes, you are so right. I was just observing how affected I have been by this senseless act of violence, and my only connection to VT is a dear friend who is the Episcopal Chaplain there. Thank you for posting those beautiful prayers. May God lead you to peace and healing as well.
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 2:29 PM  

Fr.Rob, this is Eric (from Notoriously Anglican on Facebook and MySpace) - I just got this blog and hope you don't mind if I link to yours!

Peace +
Blogger Eric, at 2:44 PM  
O Please do Eric.... thanks
Blogger Padre Rob+, at 3:29 PM  

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