a priest's musings on the journey

Friday, December 01, 2006

Perspective: World AIDS Day

The first person that I ever knew (in my real world) to be infected with HIV was a white, heterosexual, female. I had just returned to my parent's home after failing to find myself in Europe after graduating college, and was renewing old friendships. When I saw Beth (we'll call her) for the first time in a year, I could immediately tell that something was wrong. It took a few weeks, however, for her to tell me she had been infected with HIV. I have to admit, I was frightened. I was not very sure about how this virus could be contracted- ok, I knew some of the ways that one could get infected, but I was very naive. I had no choice but to educate myself- at first for my own protection.

Since then, I have come to know many men and women who are HIV positive. Most of these people are gay, and many of them are Christian, living productive lives and building God's kindom in their communities. Two members of my family are also positive. I have seen first hand how one's life can be challenged because of this virus.

Today, the world pauses to reflect on HIV/AIDS, to offer prayers for healing, to dialogue about how we can better prevent the spread of HIV, and to support the thousands of brave men, women, and children who are struggling to live with HIV.

To find out more information and to see how you can help, click the ribbon below.

Support World AIDS Day

Click here for a wonderful World AIDS Day sermon, and here
for a Litany for World AIDS Day, prepared by the United Church of Christ.

:: posted by Padre Rob+, 3:57 AM


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